Metro Bus Station
University of Cincinnati
& SORTA Metro
2024 - Ongoing
Used Software
Fusion 360
Used Hardware
Bambu A1&X1C
The company SORTA, which operates the Metro Bus transit system in Cincinnati, works together with the University of Cincinnati to develop a new bus station system.
A new sign was already designed by another class, and we were tasked with developing addons for the new pole system.
As part of our research, we did observations of different bus stations, interviews with the waiting passengers and an online survey.
Our takeaways were:
The current stations offer no form of entertainment
Waiting passengers get overlooked by the bus drivers
There is no space to store luggage
Seating options were limited
Bus station on Ludlow Ave & Telford St
Bus station on W McMillan St
Bus station on Main St & Reading Rd
Our first ideas revolved around seating, storage, weather protection, light indicators, gamification, billboards, and trashcans.
Hooks for luggage
Info panels with rotatable modules
Light switch
Modular Concept
We started to work on the idea of an informative display. We soon realized that we had the opportunity to develop an entire modular system and decided to work on the following modules:
Information panel
Light indicator
Lugagge hooks
Game for children
Module 1
Info Panel
The Info Panel is a module where different information can be viewed through a window. There are three different panels that can be browsed through rotating them. Based on feedback, the following things are to change:
Make the panels tactile for more accessibility
Make it more obvious that it can be interacted with
Module 2
Light Indicator
As there are problems with the visibility of the passengers in the night, we implemented a light that is triggered through a button (green). The light makes it apparent that a passenger is waiting and turns off after the bus has passed.
Additionally, there is another button for information (blue) and one for a SOS signal (red). Depending on the button, a call is established to an info or emergency hotline. The SOS button also triggers a red blinking light to draw attention. Aspects that are to be changed:
Instead of a light surrounding the pole, the top sign will be illuminated
Additionally, there will be reflective wrapping to improve the overall visibility
Module 3
This module provides hooks to attach lugagge while waiting for the bus. Our first 3d-printed prototype could carry a weight of 50lbs. Things to change:
Remove the hook that is directed to the street to avoid interaction on this side
Module 4
This module is aimed at younger audiences to provide entertainment while waiting for the bus. The game is a mix-and-match of different faces. The illustrations can be changed to integrate with the surroundings. Things to change:
Cover up the side directed to the street to prevent interaction on this side
Make it tactile to be more accessible
All of our prototypes are functional 3D prints, and we were able to already get feedback from people of SORTA and the city planning.
Prototype on the actual pole
Functional mix-and-match game
Hooks for luggage
First iterations of the info panel module
All of our prototypes are functional 3D prints, and we were able to already get feedback from people of SORTA and the city planning.